
Tampa Rock Band Lessons

Our proprietary results-driven programs combine with one-on-one lessons from actual musicians, along with group band activities for hands-on practice, make Ricmon Music School the #1 choice for anyone of any age who wants to learn music and what it takes to be in a rock band.

You can take private music lessons from RICMON Music School whenever you like. Whether you want to play piano, guitar, violin, or something else, you can do it at home and at a time that’s convenient for you!

In addition to piano and guitar lessons, Ricmon Music School provides violin, cello, viola, drums, bass and voice lessons at your home in Tampa. We have become a preferred music school in Tampa for in-home and online lessons since you will be learning from actual musicians. The reason we are one of the best music schools in Tampa is because of our outstanding music education programs! We believe this not just based on our observations and those of our staff, parents, and students. Request an appointment today by filling out the form below.

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